Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Governor Quinn considers medical marijuana law.

I keep hearing that people are concerned medical marijuana is going to promote drug use in IL. If it does and I'm not saying it will, so what. I would rather see marijuana promoted than opiate pain medications which I have taken for years.
I will stop the opiates if this law passes. Mine don't ever reach the street but some people sell theirs. So what is worse in the hands of an abuser, a joint or a couple pills that could kill you? Have you ever heard of someone overdosing on pot? Do you think there are some really hard core marijuana addicts out there? Not likely people... Marijuana is not physicly addicting like opiates are and I have never heard of someone killing for a marijuana fix like the freak who walked into a pharmacy and shot 3 people in cold blood for some fucking pills! Really?
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